Saving enough funds for the down payment on your home can be an obstacle for everyone. With general living costs and accumulated debt (Student Loans!), many young couples and professionals don't believe they'll ever save enough to move from being renters to buyers. There are steps you can take to put aside the funds you need for your down payment, but you’ll need to consider your priorities and a serious commitment to your spending and saving strategy.
Take a look at the median house prices in the area you want to buy and set a realistic budget for the price of your new home based on your current income and means. If the average home price is around $275k, then with a standard loan you’ll need about $55,000 for your down payment.
First, open a separate savings account, or designate one of your accounts for the money you’ll put aside. If you can separate your funds from the checking and savings accounts you access on a regular basis, then you'll help yourself refrain from using your down payment savings for other purchases, maintenance, or emergencies that arise.
Second, analyze your spending habits and create a realistic budget based on your current income to help you make strategic spending cuts. There are many free apps, spreadsheet templates, and useful blogs to help you set up and manage your budget. Inquire with your local bank to learn if they offer financial advisory services or can set you up with a partner to help you review your budget—many credit unions provide these services free with membership. Check what your financial institution offers and take advantage of free wisdom!
There are many ways to save for your future home. Work with your real estate professional to determine what your loan and down payment requirements might be. Then, get started on your savings plan!
“Real estate” means so much more to me than simply buying or selling property...I believe it’s all about the people behind those transactions. A house would never be a home without them. That is why my first question to you will always be “what are your goals and how can I help you get there?”
Helping someone to plan and achieve their goals is just as important as listening to what they are. I know first-hand from over a decade of experience just how much it can take to make it happen. With honesty, diligence, and resilience, however, no hurdle is unconquerable. I can guide you through the entire process, always making you feel comfortable, informed, and in control. Like I said before, you are always the first priority.
I chose to partner with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Real Time Realty because, just like me, they realize that real estate agents are much more than salespeople. Every person and every goal is just as important as the last - and Berkshire Hathaway has all the tools and resources to get the job done.
It’s been an absolute privilege to meet some of you and help you achieve your goals. I can’t wait to meet the rest. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or both, I am confident that I am the last agent you’ll need. A better future awaits...give me a call and let’s get started!